ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Nonlinear dynamic model and stability analysis of self-excited induction generators

Nonlinear dynamic model and stability analysis of self-excited induction generators

Nonlinear dynamic model and stability analysis of self-excited induction generators (2011) Proceedings of the American Control Conference
Bodson, M., Kiselychnyk, O.

Abstract View references (17)

The paper presents a nonlinear state-space model of a self-excited induction generator. A systematic methodology is then proposed to compute all the possible operating points and the eigenvalues of the linearized system around the operating points. In addition to a zero equilibrium, one or two operating points are typically found possible. In the first case, the zero equilibrium is unstable, resulting in spontaneous transition to the stable nonzero operating point. In the second case, the smaller of the nonzero operating points is unstable, so that only one stable operating point exists. However, the unstable operating point creates a barrier that must be overcome through triggering. The paper concludes with numerical examples and experiments illustrating the application of the theoretical results. © 2011 AACC American Automatic Control Council.

SciVal Topic Prominence

Topic: Asynchronous generators | Electric generators | self-excited induction

Prominence percentile: 90.642  Author keywords

electric machinesinduction generatornonlinear dynamic modelrenewable energyself-excitation

Indexed keywords

Engineering uncontrolled terms Eigenvaluesinduction generatorLinearized systemsNonlinear dynamic modelsNonlinear state space modelsNumerical exampleOperating pointsRenewable energiesSelf excitationSelf excited induction generatorsSpontaneous transitionStability analysisSystematic methodologyTheoretical result
Engineering controlled terms: Asynchronous generatorsDynamic modelsEigenvalues and eigenfunctionsElectric machinery
Engineering main heading: Excited states
  • ISSN: 07431619
  • ISBN: 978-145770080-4
  • Source Type: Conference Proceeding
  • Original language: English
  • Document Type: Conference Paper
  • Sponsors: Boeing,Bosch – Invented for Life,Corning,Eaton Corporation,GE Global Research

Bodson, M., Kiselychnyk, O. Nonlinear dynamic model and stability analysis of self-excited induction generators (2011) Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 4574-4579.


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