ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Selection of field orientation in Vector controlled induction motor Drives

Selection of field orientation in Vector controlled induction motor Drives

Selection of field orientation in Vector controlled induction motor Drives (2014) Technical Electrodynamics
Peresada, S.M., Kovbasa, S.M., Onanko, A.Y.

Vector control algorithms that based on stator and rotor flux orientation are considered. Criteria for assessing of algorithms properties are developed. The results of theoretical analysis of indirect field oriented algorithms for induction motors are presented. Experimentally substantiated robust properties of stator field oriented systems with respect to rotor resistance variations.

Engineering controlledterms: Algorithms Induction motors Robust control Stators
Engineering uncontrolled terms Field orientation Indirect field oriented Indirect field oriented control Induction motor drive Oriented systems Rotor flux orientation Rotor resistances Vector control algorithm
Engineering main heading: Rotors (windings)
  • ISSN: 16077970
  • Source: Journal
  • Language: English
  • Document type: Article
  • Publisher: Institute of Electrodynamics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Peresada, S.M., Kovbasa, S.M., Onanko, A.Y. Selection of field orientation in Vector controlled induction motor Drives (2014) Technical Electrodynamics, (4), pp. 102-104.

Ref. Profumo, F., Pastorelli, M., Ferraris, P. Comparison of Universal Field Oriented (UFO) Controllers in Different Reference Frames (1995) IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 10 (2), pp. 205-213.


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