ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Invariance of rotor flux observers in direct field-oriented control of induction motors

Invariance of rotor flux observers in direct field-oriented control of induction motors

Invariance of rotor flux observers in direct field-oriented control of induction motors (2014) Technical Electrodynamics
Peresada, S.M., Trandafilov, V.M.

  • National Technical University of Ukraine Kiev Polytechnic Institute, pr. Peremohy, 37, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine

A new design method of sliding mode flux observers which are invariant with respect to rotor resistance variations is presented. The observers allow designing the direct field-oriented control algorithms of induction motors with invariance properties and therefore improved dynamic performance and energy efficiency. It is proved that observer is globally exponentially stable under accurate rotor resistance information and locally exponentially stable under limited parameter variations. Experimentally shown, that in comparison with existing robust vector control algorithms, the proposed solution allows achieving strong robustness properties with respect to rotor parameter variations. The improved robustness properties are guaranteed in full motor operating range, including zero speed.

Engineering controlled terms: Algorithms Energy efficiency Induction motors Robust control Robustness (control systems)
Engineering uncontrolled terms Field-orientation Invariant observer Rotor resistances Sliding modes Vector controls
Engineering main heading: Rotors (windings)

Peresada, S.M., Trandafilov, V.M. Invariance of rotor flux observers in direct field-oriented control of induction motors (2014) Technical Electrodynamics, 2014 (6), pp. 41-48.


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