ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Study of the torque control algorithm for a doubly-fed full-controlled induction machine

Study of the torque control algorithm for a doubly fed full controlled induction machine

Study of the torque control algorithm for a doubly fed full controlled induction machine (2018) Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems
Shapoval, I.A., Mykhalskyi, V.M., Doroshenko, A.L., Polishchuk, S.Y., Peresada, S.M.

The aim of the paper is to develop and study the torque control algorithm and to construct a mathematical model of an energy generation system based on a full-controlled doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM). A mathematical model of an energy generation system with a DFIM is constructed, on the basis of which a mathematical simulation of the DFIM torque tracking has been performed. An algorithm for vector torque control of the DFIM is studied, which maintains the constancy of the main magnetic flux and the orthogonality of the stator current and magnetic flux vectors. The controllers have been developed which ensure the torque and flux tracking when the electric machine is excited from the rotor side. The study confirms that the considered system of DFIM vector control performs torque tracking with minimum error at a constant air gap flux.

Shapoval, I.A., Mykhalskyi, V.M., Doroshenko, A.L., Polishchuk, S.Y., Peresada, S.M. Study of the torque control algorithm for a doubly-fed full-controlled induction machine (2018) Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems, MEES 2017, 2018-January, pp. 56-59.


За результатами 1 семестру

2022/2023 навчального року

Всього навчається: 137,
з них на бюджеті: 130.


Освітній процес у 2 семестрі 2022/23 н.р. згідно рекомендацій МОН розпочнеться з 6 лютого 2023 року в ДИСТАНЦІЙНОМУ режимі.

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