ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Метод визначення електричних параметрів явнополюсних синхронних двигунів

Метод визначення електричних параметрів явнополюсних синхронних двигунів

Метод визначення електричних параметрів явнополюсних синхронних двигунів
С. М. Пересада, Є. О. Ніконенко, В. С. Решетник

The paper is devoted to research and development of novel identification method of static and incremental
inductances, as well as permanent magnets flux of interior permanent magnets synchronous motors.
The relevance of the identification methods design for the synchronous motors electrical parameters during a selfcommissioning procedure is substantiated.
The proposed method is based on the flux linkages estimation in a current-controlled closed-loop system with robustness properties with respect to inverter nonlinearities.
The experimental installation with an interior permanent magnets synchronous motorwas developed, manufactured
and configured for the verification of the proposed method. A set of programs was developed for the method testing
as well. The installation can be used to investigate a wide range of control algorithms for electromechanical systems
with interior permanent magnets synchronous motors.
The experimental study demonstrates that the presented method guarantees the identification of static and incremental
inductances, as well as permanent magnets flux of the interior permanent magnets synchronous motor. The identification algorithm has a typical structure of the modern vector-controlled electrical drives.It can be used to improve the
dynamic performance and efficiency of vector-controlled interior permanent magnets synchronous motors in torque,
speed or positions control modes. Additionally, the estimated fluxes provide the information about saturation of the
synchronous motor magnetic system.
From the results of the experimental study, it follows that the influence of the cross-coupling is insignificant for the
investigated interior permanent magnets synchronous motor. It is shown that the saturation of the magnetic system is
negligible for the working range of the stator currentsas well.
The validity of the conclusions and recommendations are confirmed by the coincidence of the simulation study results
with the experimental data.

С. М. Пересада, Є. О. Ніконенко, В. С. Решетник, “Метод визначення електричних параметрів явнополюсних синхронних двигунів”, Збiрник наукових праць НУК. Електроенергетика, електротехнiка та електромеханiка. – 2019. – №2 (476). – С. 14–21


За результатами 1 семестру

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