ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Minimization of copper losses during field-oriented controlled induction motor magnetization and demagnetization

Minimization of copper losses during field-oriented controlled induction motor magnetization and demagnetization

Minimization of copper losses during field-oriented controlled induction motor magnetization and demagnetization
Tolochko, D. Kaluhin and P. Rozkariaka

The article presents the design of optimal rotor flux control laws, which minimize losses from flux-producing stator and rotor current components of an induction motor with field-oriented control system. The optimal parameters of linear and exponential magnetization and demagnetization algorithms were determined and analytical expressions to calculate least possible losses in IM windings for sinus-hyperbolical, exponential and linear rotor flux change algorithms are presented. The comparative analysis of considered rotor flux control algorithms was carried out and the recommendations for their implementation in various operation modes were given.

Tolochko, D. Kaluhin and P. Rozkariaka, “Minimization of copper losses during field-oriented induction motor magnetization and demagnetization” // Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Power Drive Systems (ICEPDS-2020), 04-07 Okt. 2020, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 68, 6 p.


За результатами 1 семестру

2022/2023 навчального року

Всього навчається: 137,
з них на бюджеті: 130.


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