ОП “Электромеханические системы автоматизации, электропривод и электромобильность”,факультет электроэнерготехники и автоматики "КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского"

Simulation of the electric power generation system on the basis of DFIG with active filtring capabilitites and reactive power compensation

Simulation of the electric power generation system on the basis of DFIG with active filtring capabilitites and reactive power compensation

Simulation of the electric power generation system on the basis of DFIG with active filtring capabilitites and reactive power compensation
Mykhalskyi, V.M., Sobolev, V.M., Chopyk, V.V., Shapoval, I.A.

New approaches to reactive power compensation and simultaneous active filtration in the doubly-fed induction machine (DFIM) are considered. The proposed control algorithms are applied to the DFIM with a stator directly connected to the network, and the rotor connected to the network through a converter with a bi-directional energy flow. The main algorithm for controlling the DFIM is primarily aimed at obtaining maximum power at a variable wind speed. Depending on the power of the converter, the power quality can be improved by compensating the reactive power and harmonics of the current of the network. The control of the rotor inverter is aimed at solving the problems of producing the maximum active power captured by the wind and improving the quality of energy. The control of the line side inverter has the goal of ensuring a smooth control of the voltage in the DC link and providing sinusoidal current in the network. The simulation results indicate that the generation system can operate at its optimal point, and energy quality can be improved. © 2018 Institute of Electrodynamics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Mykhalskyi, V.M., Sobolev, V.M., Chopyk, V.V., Shapoval, I.A.  Simulation of the electric power generation system on the basis of DFIG with active filtring capabilitites and reactive power compensation Technical Electrodynamics, 2018 (5), pp. 52-56.


По результатам 1 семестра

2022/2023 учебного года

Всего студентов: 137,
из них на бюджете: 130.


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С целью предотвращения распротранения COVID-19, учитывая ухудшение эпидемиологической ситуации, согласован и опубликован Приказ НОН/29/2022 от 26.01.2022 «Про организационные меры для предотвращения распространению коронавируса COVID19» . Семестр начинается в дистанционном режиме, решение о переходе в смешанный режим принимается в конце каждого месяца. На текущий момент, дистанционный режим продлён до 19.03.2022.

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