ОП “Электромеханические системы автоматизации, электропривод и электромобильность”,факультет электроэнерготехники и автоматики "КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского"

Characteristics of induction motor drives with torque maximization in field weakening region

Characteristics of induction motor drives with torque maximization in field weakening region

Characteristics of induction motor drives with torque maximization in field weakening region, 2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), Kiev
B. Pryymak and M. Moreno-Eguilaz

This article presents the new results of the investigation of the characteristics of vector-controlled induction motor (IM) drives with the torque maximization at field weakening. Analytical expressions that are necessary for the optimal algorithm of field weakening have been derived. The systematic numerical studies of the dependence of relative torque increase (RTI) index on the stator current limit for motor and generator modes of IM are provided. Taking into account the saturation of the main flux and magnetic losses in the machine iron, the extended description of IM has been used. In order to maximize the torque, while considering current and voltage constraints, the genetic algorithm has been applied. The results allowed assessing opportunities to improve the characteristics of drives by torque optimization. It has been established that the mean value of the RTI-index is approximately equal to 30-50% in the motor mode and to 15-20% in the generator mode. A significant growth of torque enables forcing of the acceleration and braking in the high-speeds region.

B. Pryymak and M. Moreno-Eguilaz, “Characteristics of induction motor drives with torque maximization in field weakening region,” 2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), Kiev, 2017, pp. 508-513.


По результатам 1 семестра

2022/2023 учебного года

Всего студентов: 137,
из них на бюджете: 130.


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С целью предотвращения распротранения COVID-19, учитывая ухудшение эпидемиологической ситуации, согласован и опубликован Приказ НОН/29/2022 от 26.01.2022 «Про организационные меры для предотвращения распространению коронавируса COVID19» . Семестр начинается в дистанционном режиме, решение о переходе в смешанный режим принимается в конце каждого месяца. На текущий момент, дистанционный режим продлён до 19.03.2022.

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