ОП “Электромеханические системы автоматизации, электропривод и электромобильность”,факультет электроэнерготехники и автоматики "КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского"

Elimination of Subharmonics in Direct Look-Up Table (DLT) Sine Wave Reference Generators for Low-Cost Microprocessor-Controlled Inverters

Elimination of Subharmonics in Direct Look-Up Table (DLT) Sine Wave Reference Generators for Low-Cost Microprocessor-Controlled Inverters

Elimination of Subharmonics in Direct Look-Up Table (DLT) Sine Wave Reference Generators for Low-Cost Microprocessor-Controlled Inverters (2003) IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Abeyasekera, T., Johnson, C.M., Atkinson, D.J., Armstrong, M.

This paper investigates distortion of an inverter reference waveform generated using a direct look-up (DLT) algorithm. The sources of various distortion components are identified and the implications for application to variable speed drives and grid connected inverters are described. Harmonic and subharmonic distortion mechanisms are analyzed, and compared with experimental results. Analytical methods are derived to determine the occurrence of subharmonics, their number, frequencies and maximum amplitudes. A relationship is established identifying a discrete set of synthesizable frequencies which avoid sub-harmonic distortion as a function of look-up table length and a practical method for calculation of the look-up table indices, based on finite length binary representation, is presented. Real time experimental results are presented to verify the analytical derivations.

Abeyasekera, T., Johnson, C.M., Atkinson, D.J., Armstrong, M. Elimination of Subharmonics in Direct Look-Up Table (DLT) Sine Wave Reference Generators for Low-Cost Microprocessor-Controlled Inverters (2003) IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 18 (6), pp. 1315-1321.


По результатам 1 семестра

2022/2023 учебного года

Всего студентов: 137,
из них на бюджете: 130.


Образовательный процесс во втором семестре

С целью предотвращения распротранения COVID-19, учитывая ухудшение эпидемиологической ситуации, согласован и опубликован Приказ НОН/29/2022 от 26.01.2022 «Про организационные меры для предотвращения распространению коронавируса COVID19» . Семестр начинается в дистанционном режиме, решение о переходе в смешанный режим принимается в конце каждого месяца. На текущий момент, дистанционный режим продлён до 19.03.2022.

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