ОП “Электромеханические системы автоматизации, электропривод и электромобильность”,факультет электроэнерготехники и автоматики "КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского"

Heat loss minimization field control of motionless induction motors in pause of intermittent duty

Heat loss minimization field control of motionless induction motors in pause of intermittent duty

Heat loss minimization field control of motionless induction motors in pause of intermittent duty, 2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), Kiev
O. Tolochko and M. Sopiha

This paper presents a novel field control algorithm for induction motor (IM) in the field oriented vector control (FOC) system in pause of intermittent duty using Euler’s optimization equation for the copper losses minimization. The comparison of optimal demagnetization process with this one that is achieved by breaking the stator circuit is carried out. The analytical expressions for the losses values as functions of magnetization or demagnetization times with the hyperbolic, exponential and linear rotor flux change algorithms are derived. By analyzing the expressions obtained for the extremum, transient times are found, which ensure a minimum of losses in copper. It is shown, that motor demagnetization and following its magnetization during the intermittent duty pauses increases the efficiency of vector control.

O. Tolochko and M. Sopiha, “Heat loss minimization field control of motionless induction motors in pause of intermittent duty,” 2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), Kiev, 2017, pp. 442-447.


По результатам 1 семестра

2022/2023 учебного года

Всего студентов: 137,
из них на бюджете: 130.


Центр международного образования