ОП “Електромеханічні системи автоматизації, електропривод та електромобільність”, факультет електроенерготехніки та автоматики "КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського"

Induction Motor Control System of Electric Vehicle with Improved Dynamics in Field Weakening Region

Induction Motor Control System of Electric Vehicle with Improved Dynamics in Field Weakening Region

Induction Motor Control System of Electric Vehicle with Improved Dynamics in Field Weakening Region
Pryymak B.

The paper is devoted to the study of induction motor (IM) control system of electric vehicle (EV) with improved dynamics in the high speed region. The new algorithm of field weakening control was developed, which provides the IM torque maximization and high quality of controlled processes. The expanded IM mathematical model and EV motion model have been presented. The genetic algorithm has been applied for numerical IM torque optimization. The objective of IM torque maximization is an increased intensity of the EV acceleration and braking intervals. The studies have been carried on with EV mass and stator current limit changes. In test EV, the acceleration time has been reduced by 30-50%, while the braking time – by 5-16%. The present results prove the fact that important effects are to be achieved due to the suggested EV IM control system.

Pryymak B. Induction Motor Control System of Electric Vehicle with Improved Dynamics in Field Weakening Region // of the IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conf. on Electrical and Computer Engineering “UKRCON-2019”, Lviv, June 02–06, – 2019. – P.


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